quarta-feira, 31 de dezembro de 2008

A Staff Canteen

Giving Reasons, Stating Purpose

The Problem

Your company is interested in providing lunch-time eating arrangements for all employees. Your choice is between creating a staff canteen or providing luncheon vouchers which can be exchanged in local restaurants, cafes and some food shops.
In Groups
In groups of 3 first create the profile for a company by completing the following Company Profile:
1. The size of the company:
Number of managers
Number of office workers
Number of production workers
2. Location
In city centre
Away from the city centre
On a business park/industrial estate
In the suburbs
3. Description of the site
Open parkland/fully built-up
4. Other facilities
5. Transport used by the staff (%)
Public bus
Company-run bus
On foot
6. What percentage of employees live within:
2 mile radius
10 mile radius
more than 10 miles
7. Existing lunch hour arrangements:
Fixed lunch hour
Staggered lunch hour
8. What do workers do about lunch at present?
(eg, packed lunch, go home , etc)
Preparation 1

Now read this memo about the running of a canteen and the information about the luncheon voucher scheme.


In order to use the company canteen subsidy to the greatest benefit of the majority the following cost-cutting measures will come into effect from the beginning of next month:
1. The menu will still be changed daily and will be displayed in the usual way. However, choices of main course will be restricted to 3 (1 hot dish, 1 salad, 1 vegetarian dish) and the number of desserts available will be cut to 2 (1 hot and 1 cold) – fresh fruit, yoghurts and cheese will continue to be available.
2. Waitress service will be withdrawn and self-service introduced. However, a small area with waitress service will be set aside for the use of staff entertaining visitors to the company.
3. In the self-service area of the canteen all staff are asked to return all trays, dirty plates etc to the trolleys provided. Please do not leave dirty coffee/tea cups etc in the lounge area but return them to the trolleys.
4. ‘Dirty jobs’ employees are asked not to wear their overalls in the canteen.
5. No changes will be made to opening times for the mid-morning and mid-afternoon breaks. The canteen will open from 9:45 – 10:45 and 3:15 – 4:00, the usual choice of tea, coffee, juices, soft drinks and light snacks will be on sale.
6. There is a charge in the arrangements for the lunch hour. In future, lunch will be served in two sittings: 12:30 – 1:00 and 1:15 – 1:45. Please buy your tickets for the required sitting in advance.
It is hoped that these new arrangements will lead to more cost-effective operation of the canteen without having a negative effect on either the quality of the food served or the restful atmosphere for members or staff.
These new arrangements will be monitored and a survey of opinions will be held after a period of adjustment.
Preparation 2
The luncheon Voucher Scheme
Employees receive a luncheon voucher for every day that they work. Because the company provides the LV’s to employees free of charge, it is a good way for them to subsidise their ‘employees’ meals and provide an acceptable perk.
The company decides on the value of the voucher that they are going to give and buys them from an organisation which arranges with restaurants, sandwich bars, pubs, take-away, cafes and shops to accept them. They can be exchanged for complete meals or for sandwiches and certain other foods. They cannot be exchanged for alcoholic drinks. A meal usually costs more than the value of a luncheon voucher but it is possible to pay the difference or use more than one voucher.
Until recently the Inland Revenue has imposed a tax on luncheon vouchers whose value was in excess of 15p a day and for this reason luncheon vouchers became less popular. However a revival may be on the way since new regulations mean that if a company has an executive dining room, then meals provided to directors can be free of charge providing that staff who are not permitted to use the executive dining room are given free or subsidised meal vouchers.
In groups discuss the merits of the two systems for your company and then choose the one which would be most suitable.
Present your decision to the other groups, you should be able to justify your choice.
LV 1.00 One Pound
78769869947478499 145769990060600060

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