quinta-feira, 29 de janeiro de 2009

Check your vocabulary for Law - Useful Verbs 1

Useful Verbs 1
ALL THE VERBS below relate to legal matters. Use them to complete the sentences. The first one has been done for you as an example.
Adjourn – Approve – Arbitrate – Bribe – Dismiss – Earn – Employ – Evict – Issue – Obligate – Reach – Recommend – Rescind – Testify – Withhold
1. The jury was unable to ___reach__ a unanimous decision.
2. The new landlord has started proceedings to ________ all the tenants.
3. I am sure the board will ________ your proposal: It’s just the sort of thing they’re looking for at the moment.
4. The policeman warned him that it was illegal to _________ evidence.
5. How much dividend do these shares __________?
6. The minister was desperate and even tried to ________ the policeman to get the charges dropped.
7. Unfortunately the committee has had to _________ its earlier decision on the use of local government premises.
8. This tribunal will now ________ until tomorrow at 10 A.M.
9. How many people does the company _______?
10. Are you ready to _________ in court that this is what happened?
11. The company is going public and they are going to _________ 25,000 shares.
12. Do you realize that this contract will _________ you to buy a minimum quantity of goods each year?
13. This evidence is hearsay and I call upon the court to _______ it.
14. The prisoner’s behavior has been good and I am going to _________ him for parole.
15. The management and the union could not agree and they called in an industrial tribunal to _________.

2. evict
4. withhold
5. earn
6. bribe
7. rescind
9. adjourn
10. testify
11. issue
12. obligate
13. dismiss
14. recommend
15. arbitrate

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