sexta-feira, 30 de janeiro de 2009

Check your vocabulary for Law - Legal Adverbs

Legal adverbs
THERE ARE ADVERBS which are typical of legal documents. In fact, some of them are only used in legal documents. They are used to refer clearly to specific times and places in and around documents. Most are formed using here and there.

Here means this document – the one you are reading

There means that document – the one which is being discussed, not the one you are reading.

Some adverbs with here and there are listed below. Match them to the correct definitions.

1. hereafter
2. hereby
3. herein
4. hereinafter
5. hereof
6. hereto
7. heretofore
8. hereunder
9. herewith
a. accompanying this document
b. appearing somewhere in this document
c. following this document
d. in the future – from the production of this document on
e. listed later in this document
f. mentioned in this same section of this document
g. previous to the production of this document
h. relating to this document or part of it
i. resulting from this document
1. thereafter
2. thereby
3. therefore
4. therein
5. thereinafter
6. thereinbefore
7. thereinunder
8. thereof
9. thereto
10. theretofore
11. therewith
a. accompanying that document
b. appearing somewhere in that document
c. following that document
d. for that reason or purpose
e. from the production of that document until now
f. in the time before that document was produced
g. listed later in that document
h. mentioned in that section of that document
i. mentioned previously in that document
j. relating to that document
k. resulting from that document or decision
1-d, 2 – i, 3 – b, 4 – e, 5 – h, 6 – c, 7 – g, 8 – f, 9 – a
1 – e, 2 – k, 3 – d, 4 – b, 5 – g, 6 – i, 7 – h, 8 – j, 9 – c, 10 – f, 11 - a

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